Tuesday, January 09, 2007

भीगी आँखें

आज भी आखें नम कर जाती हैं वो यादें
तडपा कर तन्हा कर जाती हैं वो बातें
उस समय की मुस्कान आज हमारी हंसी उडाती है
बस तुझे ही पुकारती हैं हमारी सहमी और भीगी आँखें
...................................................... Shubhashish(1999)

1 comment:

Julez said...

nice one!...
but it hurts to see that you're still hung on something that u need to let go...
look around yourself...don't you think your blog should have things that you now have rather than what was never yours...
just a thought....don't get me wrong!
atleast write something positive for those who care a lot for u...